Wednesday, March 27, 2013


The two things I detest the most, are people telling me what I should do with my life, and how I'm suppose to become.

As long as you're not hurting anyone through the process, or self harming yourself or causing any unnecessary hurt to anyone, I really do not see why the fuck would anyone want to stop you from doing what you want to do, or becoming the person that you've always wanted to be. Nothing has ever annoyed me as much as this issue and I am finally doing a rant post.

To everyone out there, I don't care what the fuck you intend to do to your life, I don't give a shit about what will become of you, just mind your own bloody life and stop interfering with other people's affairs. No wonder people like that never grow. They just remain the same old stuck up people that everyone hates.

Secondly. Negative people.

Of course, who has not been in their lowest point in life before? I do. Everyone does. But this is the second issue that really pisses the shit out of me, and that is negative people pulling others down to make themselves feel better. NO. JUST NO.

I'm so sorry you're going through a tough time now and no one seems to understand you but if you're gonna get jealous because everyone else seems to be happy and you want them to suffer with you, then fuck you. I have no sympathy for you nor am I going to make an effort to ask after you. Please just dig your own grave and bury yourself.

We live in this twisted and ugly society whereby people hate to see you happy, because hating is easier. Being happy is a choice, it's not about how much money you have, or how lucky you are. It's about how you can take each day at a time and accept the way things are, and be contented with whatever you have. Why is it so difficult to understand?!

Moral of this post. You can never please everyone, because no matter what you do, criticisms will surely be made and you will be judged through the eyes of these merciless people. You wanna be such a loser stay that way, don't influence others to become like you. We have enough douchebags in this world.


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